Gyp Solution
Don't Dump It - Disintegrate it!
50+ tons a day for less than $35,000?*
When physics is applied to disintegrate gypsum, it is easy to get results!

Only Gyp Monster can do the job efficiently and for many times less money than huge and overly expensive machines. And, it can do it more reliably!

All it takes is a 27HP motor powering our  unique "Rolling Punch" system specifically tuned to the mineral composition characteristics of gypsum wallboard.

It does not take brawn, just applied physics.
    *Model 36
The First Gyp Monster   Get yours in only 3 weeks!  Call for details.

6 foot long trailer system
27 hp twin cylinder

20HP Kohler Twin with autocutoff for oil level
Safety marine gas tank and marine battery holder
Extremely low towing profile....only 39 inches high!
Feed it from rear - just back up to the scrap pile
Customer replaceable Cutter teeth for extra economy and reliability
Rapid assembly line fabrication to meet the demand of this popular cost saving system
Deep  penetration welding for extra strength
Extra welds in tight spaces
5 x 6 foot tubular steel frame
The Firery Birth of The Gyp Monster
Monsterous Cutter
Tough Tubular Steel Frame
View some of the very first gypsum disposal systems
Read the story of the Gyp Monster as written by its inventor
Model 36 Gyp Monster
Disintegrate It!   Don't Dump It!